Last week, the market for ethyl acetate was relatively weak. The bidding of major factories in Shandong remained stable, while the bidding for distribution, influenced by the demand atmosphere for foreign trade concentration in ports, was relatively better. Factory prices in the Lianyungang area remained stable, and the recent execution of foreign trade orders was expected to reduce domestic supply. Factories in the Henan region operated normally and shipped products as usual. Currently, the increased price of raw material ethanol provided support to ethyl acetate on the cost side, and factory production costs hovered around the break-even point. If downstream demand did not show significant strength, prices would remain stable for the time being. Focus should be given to factory maintenance plans in mid-to-late March.
The current market for n-propyl acetate is stable, with little change in prices at factories in East China and Shandong. Furthermore, there was no downward trend in the price of n-propanol, the raw material, which provided support to the current market of n-propyl acetate. Customers were restocking based on rigid demand, resulting in little price difference across various regions. Last week, the price of n-butyl acetate fluctuated slightly. The raw material n-butanol was relatively stable, and there was a small price difference between Shandong and East China, indicating a slightly weaker trend. However, the expected downside for prices was limited. Focus should be on changes in production facilities, and purchases could be made based on rigid demand.